Thursday, June 26, 2008

And so the stress begins

Let the stress begin. With 79 days left till the wedding its all starting to get to me. I have, as most would say, been a very calm bride. Not letting to much get to me. But then it happend, yesterday, like a bat out of hell. I was completey fine, at work, watching the mongrals swarm the freezer for the ice cream that just arrived, when all the sudden, I lost it. Crying like a baby. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. As soon as I get to my parents, its starts again. Waterfalls shooting out of my eyes! WTF!!! This is not me, I will not get stressed! Its something about the word "wedding" that makes EVERY bride stress, those who say "I didnt stress over my wedding" are freaking liars! I dont care if you are freaking JLO, and have a million people doing things for you, if you are a bride you will stress!! FAVORS, INVITATIONS, REHEARSAL DINNER, FAVORS, GUEST LIST! It will all make you stress!!!!!!! And to top things off I have to be at work every day and deal with 220 kids who get excited when the ice cream man arrives, literally pushing him out of the way as he stocks the freezer!!! For those of you who dont realize the 220 kids I am talking about are actually my fellow employees! What will become of me....

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