Monday, August 4, 2008

Birthday Cards

So, over the years, each and every year, my grandmothers sister always sends me a birthday card. She is by far one of the sweetest women I know. She has devoted her entire life to god, and became a nun at the age of 16. We still have her hair in a box (its kinda weird, I know). I remember every year when I was a kid I couldnt wait to open my card from Auntie Sister (thats what we call her). She would always put a $10 bill in the card, and when you are a kid, this is a HUGE deal. She never forgot a single birthday, and would write the sweetest things inside the card. This year was no different. I still get so excited when I receive the card from Auntie Sister, at this point its not about the $10, its about the fact that she always remembers my day. So when I arrived at my parents house today (yes she sends it to my parents still), there is was, Aunite Sisters birthday card. Like a kid in a candy store I ripped it open, waiting to see what was inside! And there it was, a crisp $10 bill. I love her for that, not the money, but for her thoughtfulness. So here is to you Auntie Sister, for always remembering me. I love you!


nikki said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! Can I meet her?

Meg (MU) said...

Ha- I was going to say can you introduce her to Nikki...she sounds sweet.