Monday, June 30, 2008

Albert or Marilyn

This is the craziest thing I've seen in a long time. You have to get out of your seat and walk away from your computer. People may think you're crazy. But it's well worth it.

When you look at this picture close up, you see Albert Einstein, but if you stand about fifteen feet away, the picture will become Marilyn Monroe.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

T9 texting

And why the hell does the word "foot" show on first on T9 when texting, when all you are trying to text is "DONT"!! Who uses the word "foot" that often! Try it and you will be as annoyed as I am right now!

And so the stress begins

Let the stress begin. With 79 days left till the wedding its all starting to get to me. I have, as most would say, been a very calm bride. Not letting to much get to me. But then it happend, yesterday, like a bat out of hell. I was completey fine, at work, watching the mongrals swarm the freezer for the ice cream that just arrived, when all the sudden, I lost it. Crying like a baby. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. As soon as I get to my parents, its starts again. Waterfalls shooting out of my eyes! WTF!!! This is not me, I will not get stressed! Its something about the word "wedding" that makes EVERY bride stress, those who say "I didnt stress over my wedding" are freaking liars! I dont care if you are freaking JLO, and have a million people doing things for you, if you are a bride you will stress!! FAVORS, INVITATIONS, REHEARSAL DINNER, FAVORS, GUEST LIST! It will all make you stress!!!!!!! And to top things off I have to be at work every day and deal with 220 kids who get excited when the ice cream man arrives, literally pushing him out of the way as he stocks the freezer!!! For those of you who dont realize the 220 kids I am talking about are actually my fellow employees! What will become of me....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rules when doing #2 in the bathroom at work

So nothing is worse then when you are running into the bathroom to go # 1 and when you open the stall door there awaits a suprise...a little leftover from the person before you. Now i dont know about most people but I find it repulsive going #1 over someone else's left overs. What is something accidentially splashes up! What if you fall in the toilet? Oh the thoughts that run thru your mind. Why Why Why dont people know the double flush rule!! If you are going #2, which we all do, please make sure you flush twice so nothing is left over. I dont think this is asking too much, just a simple courtsey flush or two.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still in mourning...

One hot group!!

Now that its all over :(
Here is a great picture of Meg's best girls! And I do have to say that we all look smoking!

Things that happened today at you really care

So my day began like every other day....
Took a shower
Straightned my hair
Made my coffee
On the road

Everyday seems to be an adventure, always something new happening. My boss was in China for the last 2 weeks, upon his return he will notice that he now has a new name tag on the outside of his office....."Me Kei Long" .....apparently thats his name in Chinese, at least thats what I was told. I might not have a job after he see's it. I am hoping he has a sense of humor.

Other issues at work:

Apparently I am or have some connections with law enforcement -
2 people who were parked illegally got tickets and thought that I would do something about it.
Do they really think that I could tell the cops to rip up the ticket? That its unfair that they were ticketed. In case you missed it THEY WERE PARKED ILLEGALLY! Pay your fine and deal with it.

They are closing the parking lot for renovations in July....yes thats right JULY. Prob the hottest month of the summer. Now I will have to walk a mile to get to the office. Oh what a number the humidity will do on my hair. I am not happy about the situation.

I had breakfast for lunch and lunch for breakfast.

They complain when its too hot, now they are complaing that its too cold. BRING A SWEATER!

A certain someone fell asleep at his desk...yet again. DRINK SOME REDBULL!

Billy Ocean's Caribbean Queen played 3 times today.

Exciting isnt it?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I just had to steal this from you Nikki! What a great picture of all of us! Too bad the FREAKING BRIDE IS HIDDEN IN THE BACK!!

Well at least she is smiling!

Whats grosser than gross

Which is worse......this or that....discuss

My Very first Blog....I am scared

So here it is, I have officially become a "blogger". Thanks to my wonderful friends Nikki C. and Megan U. (thats right folks, Megan is no longer an "M" She has officially become a "U" as of Friday June 13th!!!)

Lets see how long before my work blocks this web site.

By now they have blocked almost every photo share site (which is really annoying when you are coming off of your friends wedding, and you are reallly looking forward to seeing the pictures on monday morning when you come back to work!!) I am unable to "myspace" and "facebook" soon enough they will not longer give me access to fellow blogger Perez Hilton. But I beg of you , PLEASE PLEASE dont take away my People! I would much prefer to browse your site free of charge then pay for a magazine that I will scan thru for about a week, only to have it sit in my magazine rack for months, until I finally decide that its time to get rid of some of the "junk" that has accumulated.

So for now, I hope you enjoy my blogs. When you stop seeing new posts you will know that the IT team was on to me and blocked me.